0830 PST
July 18, 1998
Selected Fresno E-Mail
FRESNO DESK - The Fresno Republican newspaper
editors welcome comments and e-mail from the readers of the Republican. If you
would like to have your name included in future publications, include permission
in your Fresno E-Mail.
The Editors have received tens of thousands of e-mail responses to the Daily
Republican news, feature stories, and opinion published in the past weeks. A small
representative sample of Fresno Republican e-mail follows. Note that text spellings
and formatting are published here as received and edited only for length:
- Editor: Re Starr Report in Fresno Republican. I am stunned by the absence
of media criticism of the Starr report and it's easy distribution by our "represntatives."
Equally astonishing is the acceptance of the rationlizations for incluing the
lurid and private details. Starr is a vengeful man. Wake up America. This is doing
enormous damage to our political system and institutions. There is, after all,
real work to be done. - David M. Wright
- Editor: Re Proposed downtown baseball statium. I MUST AGREE WITH YOUR ASSESSMENT
- Edior: Re Armenian story. April 24th is a day that sends chills through the
body of many Armenians. On April 24 1915, the Young Turk government of the Ottoman
Empire began systematic premeditated genocide of the Armenian people, an unarmed
Christian minority living under Turkish rule. More than a million Armenians were
exterminated through direct killing, starvation, torture, and forced death marches.
Another million fled into permanent exile.An ancient civilization was expunged
from its homeland of 2,500 years. Yet today, 83 years later, the Turkish government
continues to deny this genocide. Books about the genocide are banned in Turkey
and its government has began funding chairs in Turkish studies at American universities
to ensure a certain version of history is given. -Pete Balakian
- Editor: Re City Council Resolution. I would like to extend my gratitude to
you for providing the people of Fresno an alternative source for news. I enjoy
your complete, "un-biased", coverage. Really, your coverage reports the facts
without the filter of the editors of the Fresno Bee. I would be honored to present
to you the first Cyber Resolution in the history of Fresno, thanking you for providing
your service on the Internet. -Ken Steitz, City Council Member
- Editor: Te Trent Lott stories.What is wrong with this guy. Is he representing
us when he comes down on the highly respected Ken Starr for doing his job? Isn't
it enough we have to fight off the attacks from the Democrats, but the head of
our own party can't see that the investigation isn't about Monica, but about a
corrupt president who corrupt's every one around him?
How about commenting on Monica's lawyer working with Clinton lawyers on her
case? That would be much more productive to point out to the American people.
The president has it made with Trent Lott on our side. I know he is blown away
by the presidents over whelming presence, but grow up Lott....he's the most corrupt
person to ever have been in the White House...- Natalie Tuck
- Editor: Re Sports Stadium cost stories. I concede the substantial intangible
benefits a city can reap from a successful sports franchise. But, I also am not
stupid. I know cities that spend millions to attract these franchises come out
barely even.
Mostly, they wind up deep in the hole. Take, for example, the finances of stadium
projects in such cities as Indianapolis, Cleveland, St. Louis, Toronto, and Montreal.
Indianapolis, for instance, tried to revitalize its sleepy image and its deteriorating
downtown through a strategy of attracting both professional and amateur athletic
activity. Great idea, you say? No.
In the end, that 'great idea' merely demonstrated more fuzzy-thinking at City
Hall. When will elected officials pay attention. The sports economy is too small
a part of any city's overall economy to generate any real impact growth, jobs,
and income. After the owners take theirs, there are no profits left over to spill
into other businesses in the community.
Team owners blackmail cities into huge welfare-subsidies that are just little
siphons to transfer wealth from the lower and middle classes to wealthy team owners.
So Fresno should get the government out of sports, and let the free market rule.
At the very least, Fresno taxpayers have to start behaving differently. We
have to start demanding at City Council meetings to know who pays and who profits.
When this starts happening, it will be obvious just how little the intangible
benefits of sports are worth to the tax-payers of Fresno and just how much the
City Council members' conflicts of interest are costing the good peple of Fresno.
Every downtwon developer, especially Mayor Patterson, and each Fresno City
Council members should be ashamed to look into the mirror if they force a publicly
financed muti-million-dollar multi-media stadium on the poor people of this stressed-out
City. -Andy, Fresno
- Editor: Re Terrible stinker in White House. If a terrible smell is coming
from the White House, you can bet there's a skunk still living there.
Should it be proved that Clinton not only maintained an illicit sexual liaison
under the same roof where his wife and daughter were living but then tried to
induce perjury or obstruct justice to keep the affair hidden, Clinton will be
forced to resign or be impeached. In any event, the damage is not limited to the
Clintons or his party's political fortunes.
The country has lost heavily by betting on the Clintons. Character, we're finding,
is an important issue when it comes to people with a grant of power. Any way you
cut this deck, we've already lost with William Jefferson Clinton.
Any way you cut this deck, we've already lost with William Jefferson Clinton.
I am a Democrat and foolishly voted for Bill Clinton, because he denied the
Jennifer Flowers sexual misconduct under oath. Now, after being elected president,
its 5 years later. Last week, Clinton testified under oath denying Paula Jones
accusations of his lewd sexual advances, he changed his testimony in the in the
Flowers case. While still denying Jones' allegations he now fully admits he did
have the alleged sexual relationship with Flowers. Now, here he is denying sexual
misconduct with a 21 year old intern in the White House who says she has his semen
on one of her dresses. He denies he had her lie about it under otah. He even denied
it under oath.
His conduct before and after these latest allegations is unacceptable. Clinton's
failure to speak directly and consistently to the American public and confront
these charges is an open confession of a guilty mind and dirty hands. His presidency
is now paralyzed by guilt and fear of public exposure in Tailgate.
He refuses to talk to his friends who might be wearing an FBI wire. His trusted
aides are deeply depressed. This train is finally off-the-tracks. His cabinet
members are in full-blown denial. Desertions are eminent in the face of oncoming
indictments, impeachment, resignation, or suicide in office. -W. Berg, Maryland
- Editor: Unethical, Immoral, Illegal People in White House. Public exposure
to the indecent, illegal and immoral activities of people, particularly those
who have decided to take 50 percent of our wages in taxes, is the job of a free
press. Judging by the way unethical and immoral people have taken the reins of
our country and driven her over a cliff, the "free" press has not done its job
very well. -Mochowski
- Editor: Re "Fresno City Hall Seeks Clinton Assistance w/Redevelopment Project"
Jan 21, 1998. I do agree with much of your article in regards to the employment
problems that face Fresno. I even agree with most of the causes that you state
have contributed to the double digit unemployment, with the exception of naming
NAFTA and GATT as contributing factors to Fresno's problem. However, as an un-biased
moderate Republican, I have to wonder if you would dismiss this plan as ". . .re-arranging
the deck chairs on the Titanic. . ." if the Congressman and Councilmember seeking
the Washington funds were Republicans and not Democrats?
If you feel that Dooley and Ronquillo's plan is simply the re-arranging of deck-chairs,
then what the Mayor and "some" remaining councilmembers must be doing is refusing
to even get out of those deck chairs, or maybe even playing in the band as the
ship continues to sink. -Ann D. Kloose Fresno
- Editor: DR News Stories on Clinton Scandal. You Republicans are too damn
myopic to see that protectionism, easy money, budget deficits probably benefit
in the long run the business class that you so fervently represent. I find it
almost unbelivable that Republicans claim to be in favor of free markets, but
actually support massive corporate welfare giveaways and defense budgets.
Basically, your party advocates an economic agenda that benefits, at most, 20%
of the entire population; the rest of your votes are derived from your largely
successful attempt to convince poor rednecks that you hate gays, abortions, and
criminals. You guys are always moaning about "socialism," without ever really
knowing what you are talking about. Greider advocates nothing like socialism in
any of his books.
Socialism means govt ownership of the means of production; (major industries at
least) capitalism is fully consistent with progressive policies like a graduated
tax system, a democratically controlled central bank, public education, infrastructure,
etc. It was Adam Smith who said "The vile maxim of the masters of mankind is all
for ourselves, and none for anyone else." You guys have successfully transformed
this "vile maxim" into an electoral platform. You cant fool me; I read One World,
Ready or Not, and found it about fifty times as convincing as any of the ideological
excrement put out by leaders like DICK Armey, the dirigible of drivel, Rush Limbaugh,
and Newt. Face it, boys: Socialism for the rich is your game, and you better not
let the voters find out. (if you haven't figured it out yet, I think Clinton is
a center-right piece of s_ _t with no spine.) - Ari Weinstein, Southern Oregon
- Editor: Re Clinton administration antics. Thanks for following on the heals
of the outrageous behavior of this Clinton administration. Keep at it, we need
the truth before this man ruins all the things men and women have fought for with
blood and tears. We do care.
What will this man do next? I am amazed at how the Constitution is being raped
and abused by so called leaders.Is there no way this bunch can be kicked out and
sent somewhere to pay for all they have done?
Can it really be so that Clinton has been voted the most admired man alive? Yuck!Not
by this mom who loves this country enough to speak the truth to my young ones.Keep
on looking, you will find the last straw soon, I hope. An on line reader.-Mrs.
Barbara Selleck
- Editor: Re California K-12 education. The DR story on reading as thinking
is right. Next comes curriculum, then training, then test development, validation,
piloting and administration, then accountability through incentives and intervention.
It's a long way home.
California started with standards setting in language arts and math. These were
supposed to be the easy ones. If the state Standards Commission and the state
board can't reach an agreement over math standards, what possibility is there
with social studies and science?
Governor Pete Wilson and Superintendent Delaine Eastin should together call on
the state Board of Education and the Standards Commission to now mediate their
differences through a facilitated, and expedited, process.
Many think this is impossible. Battles over education philosophy are being fought
with religious indignation and zeal.
But if a facilitated mediation process can lead to finding some effective and
creative common ground. -Zoe
- Editor: Re Stories of allegations of contemept of Congress. Contempt of Congress
charges certainly seem appropriate for the entire Clinton Administration. They
seem to be able to defiantly 'thumb their nose' at Congress with absolute impunity.
It is about time that the Republicans began to move toward casting off the despotism
the has become a part of the federal government since the election of the prevaricator-in-chief.
His surrogate, Janet 'blind justice' Reno, needs to be held accountable for many
of the extremely questionable events which have occurred under her highly partisan
eye. Events like the deaths of Vincent Foster and Ron Brown, the toleration of
known Chinese agents into Whitehouse briefings, the downing of flight 800, Waco,
Ruby Ridge, FBI lab problems etc. raise questions of monumental proportion. It
seems that the only moral standard that the liberals which have gained control
of the Executive branch hold to is the maintenance of power. The majority of the
members of Congress should be up in arms. Why is there such a wimpy response from
the Speakers of the House and Senate? It may be that the future of freedom in
this country currently rests with a few brave leaders in the Legislative branch
who are willing to confront the Clintonistas. -Michael Parks
- Editor: Re Communist Chinese & FBI Coverup. Okay, I'm a little behind times.
This is the first I heard of the Chinese Communist leader visiting America. I'm
appalled. I just got online and get most of my news now through the internet.
Up until now, I have ignored the news basically because it's reported with a liberal
bias. I just found the Daily Republican and it's a shame that it isn't mainstream
because I think it's a good newspaper. The military honors that Clinton ordered
is a slap in the face to any person who has ever served in the Armed Forces of
this great nation. Anyway, good article. I'll keep reading. -D.Jacob Franklin
- Editor: Re Matt Drudge claim that he's being sued by the White House. Much
to my dismay, I've got proof that he's right. It might even take care of his lawsuit
for awhile.
Drudge is the Internet boy-wonder who is being sued for libel by White House adviser
Sidney Blumenthal based on an item, retracted a day later, reporting on GOP-spread
rumors that Blumenthal was a wife beater. Blumenthal hired a lawyer and brought
suit, supposedly as a private citizen. But Drudge has argued that it is the White
House that is against him; "It's the White House against Matt Drudge," he announced
at a forum at USC Annenberg last month, his first public appearance since the
suit was filed.
I wrote a column after that appearance, initially published last Wednesday in
USA Today, focused on the first amendment concerns raised by a top White House
official pursuing a private libel suit while dealing with the press, and issues
of concern to the media, on behalf of the President. On Monday morning, I was
informed that the Deputy Press Secretary to the President had telephoned the Editorial
Page Editor of USA Today to complain about my column. Not Blumenthal's private
lawyer, mind you, but the President's Deputy Press Secretary.
What troubled me initially in researching Matt Drudge was how the mainstream media
portrayed him as if he bore no relation to them, when the reporting of rumors
as news has passed as conventional journalism for at least a decade.
What made this particularly ironic was that Drudge was "drudged" by his critics;
with the exception of a piece by Todd Purdhum in the New York Times, virtually
every other report would lead you to believe that Drudge had reported that Blumenthal
beat his wife. What Drudge actually reported was that Republicans were spreading
that rumor to retaliate for similar accusations against a top GOP consultant;
Drudge also included in his initial report a total White House denial of the rumor,
a point the responsible media almost uniformly neglected to mention in its coverage
of Drudge.
That doesn't mean that spousal abuse rumors should be lightly repeated; I don't
think they should be, but no one attacked columnist Lars Erik Nelsonwhen he reported
on a rumor operation run out of Newt Gingrich's officeaimed at tagging incoming
Speaker Tom Foley as a homosexual. Quite thecontrary, most news organizations
used Nelson's column as a basis to reportthe rumor themselves, in many cases ignoring
entirely Nelson's original focus on its source. Why wasn't anyone making that
Some of Drudge's fellow conservatives would claim that it's because the press
is liberal, but I don't buy that. They may vote liberal, but they also relish
eating them for lunch. It's much more about power, and those who wield it, and
in Washington, power is measured very simply by proximity to the President.
When I saw Sid Blumenthal last month in Washington, he was eager to learn of my
relationship to America On-Line; through a contract with my syndicate, they feature
my column and commentary at The Great Debate. Sid was not interested in where
my views were available, but in whether he would be able to hold America On-Line
responsible for Drudge's alleged libel. Matt Drudge has no money. He is not worth
the $30 million that Blumenthal is seeking. But AOL, which carries the Drudge
Report and has been named by Blumenthal in his suit, is. I didn't have much to
tell Sidney about America On-Line; I've never actually met anyone there in person;
I've never signed any papers; as far as I know, they could drop me from the debate
tomorrow, although of course I hope they won't. The issue of AOL's relationship
with content providers may be worth millions to Blumenthal, but it was the first
amendment issues raised by the lawsuit and not the question of vicarious liability
that interested me.
n Monday, the Deputy Press Secretary to the President [Joe Lockart] called USA
Today to complain about my alleged conflict of interest in writing about Sidney
Blumenthal. According to the message I received, because I was "under contract"
to America On-Line, supposedly Drudge's "partner" in the lawsuit, I had an undisclosed
conflict of interest in the subject of my column. The senior editor forwarded
the inquiry to me, asking for my response.
If Mr. Blumenthal's lawyer had called, I might have pointed out, as I did to Sidney
himself, that I don't have a contract with America On-Line; that the question
of whether it is indeed Drudge's "partner" in this lawsuit is an issue to be litigated,
not the subject of my column, much less an issue to be resolved by a newspaper
in the guise of making some disclosure about me; and that if the subject is conflicts
of interest, it is the White House which will be making decisions worth billions
to America On-Line.
But this wasn't a private lawyer calling. It was the Deputy Press Secretary to
the President.
What does the White House care about my relationship to America On-Line?
If this is a private lawsuit pursued in a private capacity, why is the White House
calling to complain, much less taking a position about anyone's contractual relationship
(or lack thereof) with America On-Line?
Some months ago, I had occasion to write a supporting brief for interested law
professors, one of whose points was that in certain cases, a private lawsuit cannot
be divorced from the public office held by one of the parties. We argued that
the lawsuit should at least be stayed pending the official's term in office, and
while the Supreme Court refused to allow the argument to defeat a plaintiff's
right to a prompt day in court, you don't have that problem when the plaintiff
is the public official.
Sid Blumenthal has every right to protect his name, but when he pursues that case
from the White House, aided by White House officials, the argument that it should
be stayed until he leaves office is at least as persuasive as the argument I made
on behalf of Mr. Blumenthal's boss in Jones v. Clinton.-Susan Estrich,USC
- Editor: Re Howard Hobbs' stadium economics. I am quite impressed with you
indepth analysis of this issue. Common sense tells me you are correct in the assumption
that revenues generated are just diverted from another form of recreational spending.
My own experience is the same.
We have a limited budget and spend one way one month and another the next. If
we went to a game it would be in lue of the movies or day trip to the coast. I
spent 6.5 yrs in Hanford and now live in Tracy. I still listen to KMJ when I can
and we still go to visit friends and family in Hanford so am pleased to find another
source of info about the area.
I may just subscribe. -Perry
- Editor: Re Proposition 209 & Supreme Court. A scientific review of all contracts
and labor compliance reports in California state and county construction projects
will clarify the fact that black men have not significantly benefited from either
contract awards nor employment under such contracts. They have been systematically
removed from employment opportunities paid for with their tax dollars. Black women
have suffered a greater degree of race and gender discrimination and sexual harassment
and have least benefited from any so called Affirmative Action programs. Such
programs have tended to be a smokescreen for the "face" of equal opportunity,
rather than actual facilitation of the employment of and contracting with those
who have historically faced the obvious race/color/ethnic difference from the
predominant society.
Proposition 209 will merely facilitate those who have discriminated, and continue
to discriminate, by enabling and empowering those who already control the majority
of economic power to take the whole pie. Proposition 209 purports to eliminate
preferences. Hah! Nepotism, Favoritism, and Cronyism have not been outlawed in
the workplace. Significantly, it has not bee outlawed in the tax-supported workplace.
This includes government offices, and business which thrive with government contracts.
Hypocrisy, Hypocrisy, Thou Art King.-Lita Pezant, San Bernardino, CA
- Editor: Re Bulldog News. Delightful and refreshing viewpoints. I would like
to know how to submit written copy to you and send it by snail mail, I enjoy very
much the daily republican and the bulldlog newspaper on line. -pool
- Editor: Re City Hall story. Congratulations for your fine paper! You consistently
grasp issues the rest of the media misses. Your analysis of the stadium issues
is outstanding. Thank you!-Repoman
- Editor: Re City Hall story. I have been reading your publication for only
a couple of weeks. I is the only way I can get a clear picture of what is going
on in Fresno and the world. Keep up the good work. God bless you. -name witheld
- Editor: Re DR Newspaper Editorial Policy. I know of other people who would
be interested in your view of the news compared with the Fresno Bee. Is it possible
to have the Fresno Daily Republican sen to them? -W.Hughes
- Editor: Re City Hall story. You have done a fine job of disseminating lies
and half-truths. Your Oct. 29 "edition" contains some out and out lies regarding
baseball and the exhibit hall. The exhibit hall was stopped because the developer
could not find private financing, work conditions had nothing to do with it. By
the way, Mayor Patterson helped vote that developer into the job. Fresno cannot
have Triple-AAA baseball without the Diamond Group who owns the baseball rights
to Fresno. They do own the team and the contract with the SF Giants. The word
subsidy is a bunch of bull, the City will own the stadium.Mortgage payments for
something you end up owning is no subsidy. Besides the City would get most of
that back thru fees, taxes etc.The Diamond Group has made some mistakes, no doubt
about it, but their final offer to pay $1.9 million a yearis almost double what
any other Triple-AAA team pays per year. What makes Fresno think it should own
the stadium and have the Diamond Group pay for the whole thing? What a sweet deal...and
it won't happen. Finally, the Daily Republican has shown a true lack of ethics
and journalism. Did Mayor Patterson write this dribble for you? Please take us
of any list you may have and never grace our fax machine again.-Randy Muzny (fax
- Editor: Re Robert Bork editorial. Looking at the paper for the first time--very
nice!--I coudln't find the Robert Bork editorial. Do you have an archive? Good
work! -Guy Story Brown, Dallas
- Editor: Re BLM mustangs story. I have adopted 2 mustangs from the Blm. One
from Missouri (Milwakee BLM) November 1995, one from Kansas (Oklahoma BLM) October
1996. Both times I had my shelter and pen inspected by a local Veternarian. Before
90 days after we adopted each of the horses, a BLM official came to my farm to
inspect. I received the title for the horses a year after I adopted each. I have
since bought a third Mustang from an owner that furnished me with the title. These
three horses are the finest horses I have ever had. They were not hard to gentle
or train. All it takes is patients and gentle care.
Milwakee BLM even furnished me with a map to show the location where my mustang
was caught, information on what the horses eat in that area and the probalility
of how the horse got there( stock it probably came from) ie.lost army horses from
long ago.
ink the BLM that services the Kansas area are doing a good job. Maybe with all
the computers around today the BLM can keep better records. I don't tend to argue
this, I just wanted to say a good word for the BLM, they have been very helpful
to me. Your article is very informative. -Rick Mellott
- Editor: Re Durnil's new book. Gordon Durnil's book opens a Pandora's box
in postulating that America may be beyond reform. It is my belief that as ordinary
citizens we are at this point in time left with but two choices: We can prepare
ourselves to exist and survive in an absolute socialist system. Or, we can assume
all the risk inherent in the calling of a Constitutional Convention and proceed
to rewrite the document in language not susceptible to distortions by a runaway
judiciary.-R.W. Roland
- Editor: Re Clinton-Gore Campaign hearings. Now it is absolutely clear that
Clinton conceived, organized, and led a criminal conspiracy to violate campaign
laws and other federal statues.
The GOP should be forthright in so stating. The RNC's refusal in 1995-6 to answer
the Clinton/DNC/AFL-CIO ad campaign was a terrible policy blunder.
The GOP should begin a nationwide AD blitz now to acquaint the American people
with the extent and depth of Clinton and Company's political corruption and his
stealing of the 1996 Election.
For God sake don't repeat the 1995-6 blunder again and lose the Congress, too,
next year! -Robert E. Butler
- Editor: Re 'Clinton Go Home!' Protest in Bazil. Now, why didn't I see that
on the TV evening news? Thank you. - R.P. [Bob] Wheeler
- Editor: Re review of Gordon Durnil's book "Is America Beyond Reform?" Next
month I will be 78 years of age. First generation born in this country. High School
graduate during the depression. World War II service and retired from the U.S.
Navy after 22 years service. I have never been so depressed about the direction
of this country. -JOHN LEONE
- Editor: Re White House Tapes. Your article is appreciated. Has anyone checked
to see if a large number of video machines are being delivered to the White House
to "review (edit)" those tapes before release. Particularly telling is that the
follow-up to the first release of videos coincided with the release of a weak
"Reagan did it too" excuse. Again, thanks for your article. -R Schoel
- Editor: Re Presidential conduct stories. Clinton and Gore, along with their
ilk have sent a disasterous message to this nation, especially to the youth and
future potential leaders of this country.
To suggest by their apparent criminal actions that "anything" is ok as long as
it has the presidential seal of approval is the wrong message. How can the body
(the people) govern, and fight an on going war against drugs, as well as other
internal problems, when the head (the government) is sick?
Contrary to popular opinion, I believe that morality, honesty and integrity are
still very important today, traits which obviously are missing in Washington in
our generation. This situation (illegal campaign funding) should be dealt with
quickly and decisively,and some degree of faith restored to the head of our nation.
The smell is beginning to spread into all branches of government. -Jerry L. Gardner
- Editor: Re Robert Bork Editorial. The first thing Mr Bork did wrong was to
listen to anything William Kristol had to say. The Second thing he did wrong was
not to lighten up but sit down and count all the good things about these conservatives.
His cup is half empty instead of half full. I am sick to death of these so called
leaders of the Republican Party complaining about everything the elected Majority
is doing.
Mr Gingrich is a History Professor and knows there were worse times than this
in our History and we will see our way through this or we will have another FLOOD.
These bozos in the White House will soon be gone.
We will immediately Fumigate the place, fire all the Federal Attorneys, get Yeltsin
to give Hillary and Bill citizenship in Russia and throw the rest of her entourage
out on their ear.
I for one think this should be done in public. Just to show we have a Heart we
will let "Socks" stay in America.
Please tell Mr Bork to get out of Wash. D. C. at least twice a week and I'm sure
he will come to his senses. -B J Brown, Eagle River, Alaska
- Editor: Re Daily Republican news stories. It's refreshing to read a report
in the national news that doesn't immediately switch to John Glenn or Robert Torricelli
for spin control. Viva la facts. Thanks for news without the typical TV network
spin. -R Schoel
- Editor: Re Fund Raising Scandal. When will The House of Representatives start
impeachment proceedings against William Clinton and Albert Gore for obstruction
of justice and federal campaign violations? The disavowal; "Oh, it was a mistake",
and weasel words (The Art of Saying What You Don't Mean) are over. William Clinton
is a graduate of Yale Law School. Who took his law exam? The cat ate my thesis.
Hope a virus doesn't eat this email! -Roger Puterbaugh, Glendale, Ohio
- Editor: Re Clinton-Gore Campaign. Do you really believe that they will appoint
a counsel to investigate Gore? I think they plan on everyone forgetting the whole
thing within the 90 days, and another thing this whole charade is to cover up
what is really smelly with this whole regime. Throw the unwashed a few bits so
they forget the bigger ones. I wouldn't trust any of them. While you are at it
tell the Republicans we sent them there to offset those socialistic idiots not
get along with them. Let them call us everything under the sun, do what you said
you'd do. Get rid of Big Government and also do away with Commerce, Education,
Energy and few hundred others.
All they have to do is pass a law saying no person or Agency can make laws or
regulations unless they have been voted into office. That would send a few of
them into oblivion. Also, get rid of the IRS!
I lean toward the Flat Tax myself. -BJ Brown, Alaska
- Editor: Re Daily Republican Newspaper. Our country needs more information
like this [Daily Republican Newspaper] website. Right now the Cold War is being
refuted in our schools and universities, and blamed on the United States. Thank
you for this site, which reflects the truth, something often ignored in today's
history lessons. -William F. Sauerwein 1SG, U.S. Army (Retired)
- Editor: Re Daily Republican Newspaper. I just wanted to tell you that I love
your site, and that I'm going to bookmark it for sure. BTW, my I'm 14 yeras old
and I was wondering if you could take a look at my Clinton Sucks/conservative
site at http://clintonsucks.home.ml.org (Or http://www.kdsi.net/~nebrfan/clinton).
If you like it, and you have some spare space in the newspaper, maybe you could
review it.Thanks. -Adam Horn
- Editor: Re IRS Abuses Probe. IT IS ABOUT TIME! I believe that the vast majority
of the taxpayers think that the IRS is the most corrupt and most easily corrupted
agency of the Federal Government.
If the IRS claims you owe then one must get a lawyer or a CPA! I've had the unpleasant
experience and it was the IRS's error. I survived but I still had to pay the CPA.
I think it's a good time to do away with IRS and go with a flat tax or a federal
sales tax. -Dan Grailer
- Editor: Re IRS Abuse Reports -
To: editor@dailyrepublican.com
From: TE
The IRS is attempting extortion. They have violated my Constitutional rights.I
have committed no crime, yet my home of 15 years has been seized from me and sold.
Until someone names my crime, allows me to defend myself in front of a jury of
my peers, who convicts me of a crime, I WILL NOT SURRENDER MY HOME.
Help me to defend my home and the Constitution of the United States against these
bureaucratic thugs.
To: editor@dailyrepublican.com
From: TS
We are on a monthly payment plan that we will never be able to pay off --
due to excessive interest and penalties.
From: PC
The IRS ruined our credit. Now, we are unable to live a normal life or own a home.
I feel helpless. They have made us feel like criminals. A financial mistake when
we were young, ten years ago, and our lives have been ruined. We started out owing
$8,000, now we owe $30,000 that we can never pay.
To: editor@dailyrepublican.com
From: JG
The IRS would not allow me due process in considering my case BEFORE threatening
to seize my bank accounts. This FORCED me to pay all amounts, plus penalties and
interest that they insisted I owed them. No hearing, no chance to show they were
wrong, no help in seeking justice... from anybody!
To: editor@dailyrepublican.com
From: AS
I am an American living in Singapore. My wife is a Singaporean. The IRS has
been calling in the middle of the night waking us up and harassing us. I am not
a tax protestor. I have filed all my necessary tax returns and provided the IRS
all the information they have requested to substantiate my returns. Yet, they
seem to have ignored everything and sent me a 300K tax bill and a 90 day letter.
I had NO CHOICE but to file a case in the US Tax Court. I was forced to spend
additional thousands of dollars to defend myself against this agency that has
run amok. I don't like that. My wife being a citizen of an independent sovereign
country does not like being wakened in the middle of the night by US government
agents. She may file a protest with the Singapore government. She considers this
action by the US a violation of her right to privacy. Its time we stopped these
guys. Also, as a person who's life is being destroyed by the IRS for NO REASON
I am willing t contribute of my time and expertise without charge to your cause
if it will help insure the demise of the IRS. I need help too as I have a case
coming up in the US Tax Court soon, and living abroad, I find it difficult to
get any help.
Someone suggested writing to my congressman but since I do not have a US home
(for over 11 years) I don't believe I even have one to write to. And, if I did,
I have no faith he or she would listen to my plea.
I have done nothing wrong but am being forced to spend lot's of money to keep
my name clear. And, after reading your book, even innocence may not prevail where
the tax bureaucracy is concerned.
It's time for the silent majority to be heard. We will not have our freedom trampled
upon by the tax-Gestapo IRS that operates outside the law.
To: editor@dailyrepublican.com
From: JM
The IRS was directly responsible for the demise of my father's successful
consulting company. His accountants were partially to blame - they put his company
on an incorrect tax plan, and the IRS came after five years of operation to demand
back taxes, almost a half-million dollars. This was back when the construction
market wasn't too good, and they could not pay the back taxes in the time that
the IRS demanded. My father and his partners tried to pay it back gradually, but
the IRS wanted it immediately. They had to liquidate the company in order to get
the money, and the IRS constantly threatened to seize our home if the money was
not repaid on time. We eventually got them off our backs, but now my father is
working for someone else at a job he does not enjoy. I hope you are successful
in this lawsuit.
To: editor@dailyrepublican.com
From: JK
The IRS has stolen money from me under threat of force. They did this by threatening
to imprison me if I did not give up a percentage of my money every year .
To: editor@dailyrepublican.com
From: WL
They are threatening to file a lien against me and seize my property because
they claim that I owe them the whopping sum of $53.46 from 1992. They have repeatedly
ignored my requests for proof of their claim. They have failed to answer even
the most basic questions.
To: editor@dailyrepublican.com
From: MK
I was in business from 72-86 and closed because of the harassment I received
from the IRS. It turned out to be an error by the IRS but not before they threatened
to reposes our house and other items. The IRS owed us over $10,000-- it was finally
paid back to us -- but not before much intimidation.
From: RA
I am required to spend at least 28% of my productive energy paying for services
I do not require and seldom if ever use. In addition, I am required to do enormous
amounts of record keeping and income reporting which have absolutely nothing to
do with the productive purposes of my business. In all, just using narrow-scope
accounting, this one particular agency wastes 40% of my productive energy.
To: editor@dailyrepublican.com
From: AB
The IRS audited my pension plan on what I consider frivolous charges, they
later dropped all the charges -- after keeping me on edge for 4 years and after
all kinds of auditing expenses. Not to mention the time and tax payer money wasted
by the IRS.
To: editor@dailyrepublican.com
From: JT
The IRS creates INCREDIBLE fear. I am always afraid I'm going to make a mistake
on my tax return! It is impossible to understand all the fine points in their
instructions, yet I cannot afford to hire expensive legal help to figure it out!
To: editor@dailyrepublican.com
From: JT
Simply, the IRS takes 25% of my income, and gives me nothing but threats in
To: editor@dailyrepublican.com
From: CS
In 1992, my wife received a settlement from a large corporation in a class
action discrimination suit that was granted under title 7 in regards to personal
injury. Taxes were paid in accordance with the prevailing laws and all was well.
Now, three years later, the IRS has decided that the settlement no longer falls
under title 7, and that these were simply a loss of wages. The settlement was
for a period over four years in length and yet they feel entitled to an additional
$33,000 and $8,000 in interest. Total bill of $41,000!! This family of five lives
at a low enough level that it qualifies for financial aid and the local food program!
To: editor@dailyrepublican.com
From: JC
Interesting site. Is the IRS watching? I have been on an installment agreement
for 10 years. The original debt (941) was approx. $8000, I have paid $14,000 so
far and I am told I currently owe approx $25,000. I have sufficient equity in
a home that the IRS happily put a lien on it. I seem to be stuck and cannot get
any amnesty or forgiveness.
To: editor@dailyrepublican.com
From: PC
The I.R.S. seized my car because of a mistake they made. They got my ss# wrong
and it matched someone who did not pay taxes. Even though the names were different,
they took the car anyway. It took me 3 months to get it back. And, my radio was
stolen from their impound!
To: editor@dailyrepublican.com
From: AM
Levies, liens, excessive penalties and interest. All of these have just about
crippled me financially. I had to file a chapter 13 bankruptcy to protect myself.
All of these actions (including the bankruptcy), have caused me nothing but misery.
I need a co-signer for just about any lease or credit application I submit. I
found the tax liens to be an enormous embarrassment especially when my sisters
and I applied for a loan to remodel an old house we had inherited from our father,
only to have the loan turned down for the above reasons. I am in a serious financial
rut that I am having much difficulty climbing out of.
To: editor@dailyrepublican.com
From: PK
Constant threats over a 6 yr period. An attempt to garnish wages. Several
levies for taxes owed, unreasonable tax assessed when I played in a band at 17yrs
of age making ONLY enough $ to survive living on the road.
To: editor@dailyrepublican.com
From: AH
Can they really take all that I own?
To: editor@dailyrepublican.com
From: SW
They have garnished my wages. They have unfairly decided how much they wanted
to take and left me with less than enough to survive. The amount the IRS thinks
I owe is not associated with any objective honesty. The IRS does not even follow
their own rules.
- Editor: Re IRS, Steve Forbes & Political Contribution Debacle. PLEASE ditch
the IRS. Support Steve Forbes. The man is articulate and has the courage to stand
firmly with his ideas about how to move this country in a positive direction.
Other Republicans are trampled by the Press - redefining the content of their
ideas with a liberal tilt. This man is a pleasure to watch. He stops an interview
and insists they hear what he has said ... not as "they" like to define what he
has said!
So the law makes it a crime to shake down government workers. What will the law
discover about the unfortunate government worker who testified at the Senate just
before Roger Tamraz? The woman was shaken down ... turned upside-down and shaken
down ... and these matters need to be investigated thoroughly. -Conrad Roemke
- Editor: Re Reno Criminal Probe of Clinton & Gore. Beware of Democrats bearing
Gifts. She probable did it to stop the earings as they were getting too close.
This probe will probably go on ntil after 2000. One more thing. If I hear "Bipartianship"
one more ime I think I will be too ill to go on. Also they are corrupting the
ords "Grass Roots". While I'm at it, what kind of drug was Turner on hen he pledged
a billion dollars. Biggest laugh of the week. -J Brown, Alaska
- Editor: Re Tamraz Birbery. Who cares if a guy is crazy enough to dream big
enough to build a pipeline in the middle of 'no where'? More power to this business
man! In the end, humanity benefits. Leave the guy alone, let him do his thing.
The sky will always be the limit when you're dealing with big thinkers. He's got
balls, and is honest enough to acknowledge the truth of the process. I really
hope he succeeds and makes a zillon dollars! -Rachel Corona, Oregon State University
- Editor: Re Campaign Law Violations. Frankly I think the questioning of the
witnesses so far is extremely easy and not probing and tough on the witnesses.
I personally think that the Republicans on the Committee are either afraid that
their own skeletons will be bared or they simply do not know how to act in the
Democrats in their place would have simply rail-roaded the hearings and made so
much noise of these clear violations of the law instead of getting side tracked
by the "campaign-reforms" which is a red herring.
Why is noboody asking a simple question: If the Democrats are not willing to follow
and obey the exisiting laws on the books what is the need to add more laws and
what is the guarantee that they will obey those new reforms laws.
I am so disgusted with the performance of the GOP at all levels that I am really
wondering if re-electing them in the majority will do any good. -Harish Chinai
- Editor: Re Elected Crooks. If you elect crooks to public office, more time
and money will be spent on justice than legislation. And thank God it is so! -David
L Zimmer, Fairmount, Ga.
- Editor: Re Taiwan. Please,please, keep it up. The Chinese have taken over
the government.They own Clinton and Gore and now they have the same fate planned
for the us as they have for tibet, flood the country with chinese natioinals and
then total assimilation of the race or genocide. WE ARE IN HARM'S WAY, PLEASE
- Editor: Re HR2264. There is no conservatism in the House if this type of
parental authority is to be sacrificed for the convenience of a budget deal. Take
all my money but leave my kids alone. -O'Connell Family
- Editor: Re Diana Condolence. No word can express how much we will miss you
Diana, especially after the world got to really know you as the caring person
you were. May your soul rest in peace. Our prayers go to William and Harry as
well. -Tony Artero, Guam
- Editor: Re Senate Hearings. After fifteen years working as a cop in a prior
life, I can't help but equate the democrat's whining about reform with the burglar
who laments that there should be a law against people leaving their windows unlocked
during the night. The bottom line in all of this? It does not matter how many
or what manner of laws are passed on campaign finance reform. If the people elect
a crook to lead them, the laws of the land will be subverted and the cause of
liberty ill served. - Jeffrey J. Munks. Montery, CA
- Editor: Re Jones v. Clinton. So what else is new. Waffle, change, deny and
lie. -S.Cook
- Editor: Re Diana Condolence. We got to know Pricess Diana better in the last
few days, thanks to a more understanding media. Our deepest sympathy goes out
to the two sons, William & Harry and her family. -Carl Savage, Maine
- Editor: Re Diana Condolence. The death of princess Diana is truly a tragedy.
But thanks be to God for allowing us to witness such a woman who had a selfless
kind of love and concern for the world. Perhaps we ought to think at this time
about our individual contributions to this world. Believe me we are all here for
a reason. Let us reach up to God seek forgiveness for sins and reach outward to
our fellow man and encourage the homeless and the helpless, the sick and the shutins
as well as the those who have been shut out. Give a little something extra to
the bum on the street not only at times like these but everyday. Please let's
not go back to our familiar routines. We all have to help each other if we want
to get by. -Brooklyn
- Editor: Re Diana Condolence. I find it hard to think about Princess Diana's
death. She was too young to die. I believe she would still be alive if the photographers
had not been too enthusiastic about their work. These photographers have been
enthusiastic to a fault. I believe some of them have regretted. Princess rest
in peace. -Ghana.
- Editor: Re Diana. I would propose to the world to join our hearts in one
to show her our unconditional love, and stop advocating or judging others. Let
her rest in peace as well as her loves ones, and let them have their space for
nurturing and supporting each other for their highest good !
- Editor: Re Diana Condolence. No word can reveal how we missed you. -Indonesia
- Editor: Re Daina Condolence. Our prayers are with you, William and Harry.
Remember your mother as the sensitive, devoted, and loving person that she was.
We will all miss her dearly. May she rest in peace.-Okinawa
- Editor: Re Reagan story. I agree. President Reagan was a motivator, a great
man whom I fear will not get credit for what he did due to the revisionist writers
of history. What galls me is that our current president eagerly takes credit for
things he has not done. The liberal media lets him get away with this tactic.
Clinton is a sorry example of what the president should be. He has degraded the
office and should be impeached. -DRS
- Editor: Re Editorial on City Owned baseball stadiums. I'm not sure what portions
of Howard Hobbs article dated 8/25 regarding city owned baseball stadiums could
have contained any facts since the first paragaraph was riddled with mis-information
regarding the Fresno City Councilmember's Position on the baseball stadium as
well as two of three of their names being spelled wrong.
At no time did Councilmembers' Bredefeld, Perea or Ronquillo waiver their support
for a downtown stadium. They simply took the advice of the numerous members of
the appointed task force, stating that the stadium should be publicly not privately
owned. I'm proud to report that the motion to put this item out for a public vote
was defeated 5-2. The motion to support a publicly owned stadium (with final details
to be ironed out) was passed by a vote of 6-1. Although I admit this has been
a political debacle of sorts, I'm uncertain of how you fouled the facts up so
badly. -Ann Kloose, Fresno
- Editor: Re DR Reagan Library Link. Good to see your newspaper way up North
in North Dakota on the Canadian Border. I was a great follower of Ronald Reagan.
I won election to the State Legislature the same year he won the Presidency. Great
I just finished settling up with Farmers Home Administration on my Ranch and after
I got done with them and they took it all. I still owe close to $100,000. Capital
Gains Tax to the IRS and St Tax com. A man wonders what's the use of working.
-Orlin Hanson, Sherwood, ND.
- Editor: Re DR Reagan Library Link. It is wonderful to hear words that say
that Reagan still walks today in the world. I have missed this man who stands
silent and tall and made us all proud again. Reagan shattered our malaise forever,
for Americans are not meant to just get along and go along. We are all part of
a racous debate called freedom.
It is one suited to Americans, who come from generations of boatrockers and malcontents
who did not believe that liberty is a bargained trinket but a cherished right.
For all Americans both on the left and the right we owe a great debt of gratitude
to Ronald Reagan. He smashed the apethetic 70's with a death blow and freed us
to really start thinking of our futures. He won the cold war for us so that our
debates on the role of government could be unfettered with thoughts of attack
from abroad. He challanged each one of us to reach out and become that which is
the best within us.
He did not ask to be loved, but he is loved. He stands with us as a stern father,
unsatisfied by your status quo but encouraging better things from you. And as
a father whose love is earned, we are better for the tasks we are given. I am
sad that he is not about with us, that we cannot talk to him and ask him questions
and learn from his life's journey. But I for one will forever carry him with me,
and will miss him always when God calls him to a better place. -David Shows
- Editor: I don't understand the delay here...Impeach Clinton! If this were
a conservative Republican we were talking about, he would already be under the
jail. We have admission by BOTH the President and the Vice-President (or is that
the President of VICE?) to high crimes and misdemeanors perpetrated by them with
the provision that the law does not apply to them??!! This is outrageous! It's
not for THEM to decide whether or not the law applies! Watergate was NOTHING compared
to what these TRAITORS have done for MONEY! We KNOW that Communist Chinese agents
had access to President Clinton because of their donations. And we KNOW that Hillary
Rodham received money on Federal property from CHICOM agents. Let their lawyers
PROVE to Congress and The American People that they are above the law. Sufficient,
even overwhelming evidence already exists for impeachment charges to be filed.
If Charles Coleson could be tried & convicted for possessing even ONE FBI file,
then we should be able to imprison most of the Whitehouse staff for this one!
The problem is this, there's only ONE Congressman willing and able to do his DUTY
to his country. -Mark G. Kent
- Editor: Re Intellectual Capital. I must say that I was pleasantly surprised
to see hte first rreference to "republic" in any press statement I have ever seen.
Bravo for recognizing and calling us a republic, and not a "democracy"(yuk) -Bill
- Editor: Re Washington D.C. Gee, our Nation's Capital was run by congress
for 150 years, and was a fine city. We let them run it for the last 60, and it's
the murder capital of the US, with a convivted drug dealer as the mayor.
I think it's time we abolished home rule in DC altogether. Maybe it's time to
ban all permanent residence from the city, too. Make it a city of politians, diplomats,
and their aides. -Michael Faber
- Editor: Re BLM Wild Horse Protection. What can I do to help with the plight
of the wild horses. Where should we apply pressure? -Wil Collins
- Editor: America lost. As usual nothing seems to affect Clinton. When did
we lose America? Why ant something be done. Who is behind the big coverup? I think
we live in evil evil times. This president should go along with the rest of his
gang. -S.Elrod
- Editor: Re Clinton. Excuse me for critisizing Republicans, but when is the
house going to start impeachment proceedings for Al Gore? He has already confessed
to federal crimes on national TV, and there are records to prove it. -Michael
- Editor: Re Tax Cut. As a general concept, how does the tax (federal and social
security, in particular) burden compare between being employed vs. self-employed.
That is, all else being equal, e.g. in both situations working for 30% of sales,
is one more advantageous than the other? -Mike Hodkin
- Editor: Re Chinagate. I don't have cable TV, or a dish, so I don't have direct
access to what is REALLY going on with this. All I get is the standard media bubblegum
from Rather, Jennings and Brokaw, and those guys would prefer to spend 20 minutes
talking about that Miami Killer.
I think they love it when something(ANYTHING, NO MATTER HOW STUPID) re: Tyson-Holyfield,
can allow them to keep the spotlight off of their boy --"BEIJING BILL". I read
the report about Ms. Albright's actions concerning China and Charlie Trie and
jumped up and yelled "YES!"
This would never make it to the Anchor Desk at CBS.
Impeachment is called for, but that would creat a massive power vacuum in Washington.
Lets face it, you would have to sweep the whole administration out... you couldn't
salvage ANY of them. Starting with Janet Reno. What a DISASTER!
How in God's name could we put this slimeball in the Whitehouse--TWICE?? -Terry
Hale - Louisville
- Editor: Re Fresno Edition. While searching my server the CVIP Internet, I
wanted something to read published in Fresno other than the Fresno Bee. A tough
feat and lo and behold there appeared a new newspaper on the horizon,
namely the Daily Republican..What I saw I liked and for what I saw and read I
liked. Thank you. -Marie Torigian
- Editor: Re Evita film review. Che Gueverra was supposed to be a NARATOR,
someone to tell the story, I think that he did wonderful job. it was better than
having 6 different actors play small parts. Also Eva was not stripped of emotions,
she had her Family with her all the time, maybe you didn't watch the movie carefully,
but her brother was hired by Peron to be Eva's personal assistant. he went everywhere
with her including the rainbow tour. Her mother and sisters were always at her
side and she was well loved by them. Don't tell me that Madonna lacked emotion
when she was singing, not lipsynching, Lament, at the end of the movie just before
she died, if you think that then you are as heartless as you think she is. -Paige
- Editor: About Senator Thompson's Governmental Affairs Committee hearings.
But it seems no one cares! It seems to me that the RNC must advertise this historic
event in a way that 30yr. olds with MTV mentalities will become interested. Republicans
have got to loosen their neckties, roll up their sleeves and start swinging! BTW,
let me take this time to thank you for your work and your web site. -David L.
- Editor: If Clinton has, in fact, given Russia a central role in NATO without
receiving reciprocal power over Russia by signing a charter, CAN THE U.S. SENATE
and/or CONGRESS OVERTURN IT? This is truly scary for our future. Not only is Clinton
destroying the office of the President, he is creating a chilling legacy. What
can we do to reverse it? -Cinda Thomas
- Editor: In business, I often make decisions that are unpopular with my employees,family
members, or investors. I make these decisions to satisfy customers. This strengthens
my business. Yet I am not a strong leader. I simply lead.
Mr. Armey retreats from the conservative, moral position and votes to grant Most
Favored Nation status for China. Why? Mr. Armey is a strong leader! He simply
refuses to lead. This makes our country weak. And I am a dissatisfied customer.
-Patrick Baum, Columbus
- Editor: About the Relief Bill Compromise. I would love to know what in the
world the republican congress is doing? All I can see from here is that they are
trying to self destruct and are doing a very good job of it.
I am a loyal republican and will always stand behind them, but compromising on
this bill was about the stupidest thing they could have ever done.
Now they have shown that they can not stand up to the democrats, that the democrats
can get them to do anything just by making them look bad to the public (even though
it is with lies)!
And now Bonior has not wasted a second in attacking the republicans for CUTTING
relief to the needy people. If they had any thoughts in their mind that they would
look like the good guys buy compromising and everything would be OK after they
showed their "compassion" by folding, they aren't as bright as I gave them credit
for being!
I love having a republican controlled congress and think they can do great things
if they just get their act straight. They are dealing with the most dishonest,
lying, sniveling, (clever, shrewed, coniving) democrats in history and just keep
giving them opportunities to make them look like idiots.
If they want to be reelected they had better planning better, sticking to their
plan - NO MATTER WHAT THE DEMOCRATS SAY, and be alot more active in getting their
word out!
If the democrats attack them on tv/radio on a point republicans are clearly right
on (which is most of the time); then get out and show the facts twice as much
as the democrats lie about it. Make the message plain and simple so the uneducated,
sympathizing people that are too lazy to actually compare what the media says
and what the truth is can understand it!
The republican congress can say "we meant well" about everything they do - it
isn't going to help when they cave and say - "we are right, but we were tired
of getting attacked". All they do is play right into the democrats hands.
The democrats don't need a plan, they just wait for the republicans to say what
they are going to do then they sit back and say "OK, how can we make them look
uncaring and mean to the people on this issue". Then they go out and press whatever
they come up with and the republicans say "Oh no, we are looking mean and uncaring;
maybe we should give in on this and tell the people - we aren't giving in because
we are wrong, we are giving in because we can't take the heat."
I am an Air Force NCO with almost 20 years in. I have 8 brothers - 6 have been
in the Air Force, 1 in the army, and one in the army and navy. I have two sisters,
both have been in the Air Force (one an officer), my dad was in the army air corps,
and my mother helped build planes back in WWII.
I love my country and think having a republican president and republican controlled
congress at the same time would be the best thing for it. But the republicans
are never going to get that chance if they keep this up.
I am so outraged at how the democrats are twisting things and I know that Bill
Clinton and the democratic congress are masters at doing it. It seems they are
a charmed bunch that the media are willing accomplices to. Republican congressmen
and women should have learned long ago - Giving in to look compassionate DOES
NOT WORK, they just sit back, laugh and say "we got them again, this is a piece
of cake". We can not keep playing into their hands!
Republicans - 1. Listen to what Rush Limbaugh says and how he says it! 2. Get
on Rush's show and talk to the people! 3. Get the word out what you are up to!!!
3..4..5.. times more then the democrats!
The republicans in congress need to get it into their heads: "We will stick behind
them all the way through the easy times and the rough times! If they don't stick
to their guns though, we will just have to elect new republican congressmen and
women that have a backbone! We know they have it in them.SHOW IT!
One other effect of this compromising on everything, the people may still vote
for you but it will be alot more difficult to convince the americans to donate
when they see the money going no where. They will still vote...they will just
vote for a different republican! -TSgt Richard Merris
- Editor: About the Propaganda War. Daily I see the Democrats winning the propaganda
war, and I can not keep from wondering ..WHY?? I find it hard to believe that
the Republican party doesn't have the talent and brain power that the Democrats
What IS the problem? Clearly this "don't make waves for fear of blame" policy
isn't working. The blitz of accusatory information continues to flow from the
Democrats, UNCHALLENGED by the Republican majority. It's time to get off of our
dead asses and counter this flood of mis-information. WHEN IS IT GOING TO HAPPEN?
-Mike Watson. Lufkin, TX
- Editor: American companies traded with Hitler's murderers prior to and during
WW II. Now they're trading with the butchers of Bejing. This isn't surprising.
I wouldn't be shocked to learn that the heads of the multi-nationals dig the gold
out of their parent's teeth before burial. -Dave Marciniak
- Editor: In the MSNBC newspaper story "Does Paula Jones Really Have Grounds
to Sue" by Kathleen Quinn, on June 1, 1997 her story contends that the Paula
Jones V. Clinton law suit has no legal grounds. Quinn makes numerous false
statements attempting to confuse the reader in order to present a muddled argument
that has no reasoned conclusion.
Quinn wrote that this week the Supreme Court of the United States unanimously
ruled that the president of the United States cannot delay the progress of a civil
suit brought against him, '...in this particular case, one wherein it is alleged
that prior to his becoming [president], and while he was still governor of
the state of Arkansas he sexually harassed, assaulted and defamed an Arkansas
state employee, intentionally inflicting upon her emotional distress and violating
her federally protected civil rights.' Quinn writes that was all a long time ago
and not the basis for a law suit, in 1997.
But, the grounds for the law suit in Jones v. Clinton damage to Jones'
reputation, the defamation that took place '...on and after February 11, 1994.'
Thus, the law suit is one for defamation by Clinton and his agensts which occurred
while Clinton was president of the United States, even though he may have committed
acts of sexual harassment against Jones in 1991 while Clinton was governor of
The Kathleen Quinn story represents a genre of reporting more suitable as propoganda
than informed discourse.In her own way, she adds to the defamation injury suffered
by Jones. -Bill
- Editor: If Republicans, after the huge influx of Red Chinese funds into the
DNC, don't oppose this with every fiber in our being, we are as nuts as we were
in seating Louisiana's new Senator. Republican's just don't know how to use power.
-Dave & Sharon
- Editor: I am interested in finding out how American public officials can
so easily be bought out or influenced by foreign money through foreign agents.
Is there way to get information on who spent what on International PR, Campaigns,
or other perks for the politicians?
Your article was pretty good, but I think the buying of US Foreign Policy has
been a well practiced trade for a number of decades. These activities have lead
to our involvement in places where we clearly did not have a national interest,
like Somalia.
I am especially interested in the role of international PR firms, like Rudder-Finn
and their involvement in the Gulf War (Kuwait Misinformation Efforts) and Bosnia.
Thanks for discussing the role of foreign money in our politics. I am afraid both
parties and need to be changed! I appreciate any advise or assistance in directions
for my research. -Jeff Jaksich
- Editor: Keep up the good work. We need information that is factual, not like
the news we get with the main stream media. -DRS
- Editor: Pardon me but. I'm a little po'ed. The RNC just sent me a new card
and ask for more money. What am I supposed to support? Trent Lott and his feminist
reaction to Flynn? The President gets on the air and announces that the Republican
congress failed to support aid to flood victims in the Mid West and no Republican
has the time to call the President a liar? When are the Republicans going to get
some b____? The President lies! Call him on his lies! Pat Buchanan is looking
better and better! -David Zimmer
- Editor: My response to the China trade deficit problem is, I refuse to knowlingly
buy anything made in China. I believe China and Clinton are the current threat
to our way of life.
China's style of government is an obvious threat to our traditional way of life
and governing. The liberal beliefs of China's form of government, and Clinton's
beliefs, result in making people dependent upon a government instead of themselves.
It started with Roosevelt in the 1930's and came rushing out at us with Johnson's
Great Society. I do not know whether president Clinton's liberal-communistic beliefs,
China's beliefs or the liberal media is the more corrupting?
I believe the news releases of Clinton and the liberal media, whose tactics remind
me of H. Goring's propaganda machine, are constant lies that are drumed into the
heads of the Americans at fifteen minute intervals over the radio and during various
TV news broadcasts.
I almost forgot the Labor Union lies in their TV commercials are another problem
because they are constant and warp the unthinking greedy that live off the policies
of the liberals. -Lon R. Brown
- Editor: The U.S. has an obligation to press as hard as it can to bring some
justice finally to the horror that was the Holocaust whether it takes congressional
pressure or popular opinion. It seems only right that the Clinton administration
should press the Swiss to turn over to the survivors the wealth stolen by the
Nazis during the Second World War. I would be surprised if Congress didn't hold
more hearings on this issue, as well they should. -Jeff
- Editor: The Republicans may have a majority in Congress, but the Democrats
have a majority in the White House. Put a Republican in the White House with a
Republican Congress. -Arnett
- Editor: About 'Tangled Web'- This is quite a good story. I have very little
faith that members of the ultra-partisan Democrat Party in the Senate would actually
vote to impeach Clinton, regardless of the strength of the evidence. The Republicans
had better do a more effective job of managing the public information phase of
this process, or any vote would surely go down to defeat. There seems to be very
little public outcry because, largely, the public is kept in the dark by the mainstream
media (electronic) which has ignored the bulk of the information reported to date.
I do have a question, however. Since the Vice President has the responsibility
for casting the deciding vote, what would happen in the event that Al Gore was
also named in a Bill of Impeachment? Since he's already publicly admitted violating
18USC607, that might be something worth considering. -Patrick A. Thurman
- Bumber Stickers Suggested:
Clinton: Your Toll Bridge to the 21st Century
- Faith Reed
Embarass the Media: Vote Republican.
- Roger Mattison
Bridge to the Future? Another pork barrel project.
- Radar
Watergate Gap: 18 minutes v. Filegate Gap: 6 months!
- Christopher Young
Clinton: The Best President Money can Buy!
- Christopher Young
Clinton's Motto: Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
- Christopher Young
Hail to the Cheat!
- Christopher Young
Free Willy!
- Linda Enlow
Clinton: 99% Fact-Free!
- Vernon Mass
Bill and Hill's Second Term -- 5 to 10 in the Big House.
- A.J. McPherson
Okay! Joke's Over. Bring Back Bush!
- John Glover
Clinton: The Bill of Lefts.
- Tom Helderman
Had Enough Rodham and Goremorrah?
- Ken Keathley
- Editor: I read, with great interest, your report on the metaphors used to
convey foreign policy issues to the American public and immediately became concerned
about the area where his agenda's are being furthered, higher education. I am
a sophomore in college, a mother of 3 children, and am furious at what passes
for higher education here in Illinois. I am now in a Political Science class which
has just informed me that the weakness of every past President has been the "perceived"
threat of Communism and isn't that just the silliest idea? I kid you not, these
young kids, who have never studied politics or read a commentary are swallowing
whole whatever comes from the teacher's mouth no matter how bad of a picture it
paints of the United States. Videos are shown that vilify the greatest Presidents
in regard to defense; Reagan and Bush. We are taught that America struck first
in the Vietnam War because of an incident that never happened. We are told that
the only pursuers of freedom are the Democrats, yada yada yada... It is downright
sickening. Perhaps the reasons that Americans are apathetic about the Clinton's
is because of the ranting of the liberals in Academia. Beginning there would be
advisable in bringing Americans to their senses. -Ann Whalen
- Editor: What else can with expect from this moron in the White House? It
is very clear that even the Republicans on the Hill are on the take. I thought
that the Republicans were the majority, I guess they still think they are the
minority or they just don't have any back-bone. -Jesus E. Flores, Riverbank, CA.
- Editor: This man should be thrown out of office. His hubris is shocking.
That he attempts to use his executive powers once again to usurp other branches'
constitutional authority and in such a pernicious manner manupulating the tax
payers money demonstrates his continuing meglamania. He is a demogogue. Impeachment
now. -Robin DeEtte Elz
- Editor: Isn't it strange that the democrats ( and Bill Clinton ) are getting
things passed with the help of our so called conserative leadership that would
have been blocked if we ( the Republicans ) were still the minority. Its thme
for new leadership, especially in the Senate. Phil Gramm for example. -Walt Parker
- Editor: Please give me more information on Executive Orders. Mr Clinton is
the poorest excuse for a president this nation has seen. - Donald Schulte
- Editor: Dr. Hobbs, I cannot thank you enough for returning my Email concerning
William Jefferson Clinton v. Paula Corbin Jones. You have given me a great deal
of information which I doubt that I would have found on my own. Thank you for
taking the time to help a conservative High School student. I am fascinated with
our Constitution and Nation's Economic situation, and hopefully will major in
either Economics or Public Policy at William and Mary (where I will be Freshman
next fall). Thanks Again, and God Bless. -Lauren Morgan
- Editor: Once again another BI-partisan f-up by the Republican's led by Senator
Trent Lott. The list of nations that did not sign the treaty shows that we have
no clout in foreign affairs due to our current CINC. I can not believe that 29
Republicans bailed out on Senator Jesse Helms. It makes me sick. I believe Senator
Helms should push on congress, primarily Senator Lott, that we should no longer
give foreign aid to those countries that we consider friendly to the United States.
This I hope would get Senator Lott acting like a Republican, not like a feel good
BI-partisan groupie. Just remember America, who knows one day when the current
CINC gives away our sovereignty with the help of STUPID Republican help we could
have United Nations soldiers on our soil checking us out. - Robert D. Wilhoite,
Fort Benning, GA.
- Editor: In February 1974 the staff of the Nixon impeachment inquiry issued
a report produced by a group of lawyers and researchers assigned with developing
a scholarly memorandum setting forth the "constitutional grounds for presidential
Hillary Rodham Clinton was a member of that group of lawyers and researchers,
barely, I am sure, able to conceal her dislike for President Nixon. Within the
year, Nixon would leave office disgraced, having witnessed articles of impeachment
voted against him by the House Judiciary Committee, based in part on her report.
I must give she and her colleagues credit. She did not appear to have let personal
animus influence her work product, at least not the final, published report. In
fact, the report she and her colleagues produced appears objective, fair, well
researched and consistent with other materials reflecting and commenting on impeachment.
And it is every bit as relevant today as it was 23 years ago.
I presume she stands by her research and analysis today. She said in 1974 that
impeachment, as understood by the framers of our Constitution, reflected the long
history of the term used at least since late-14th-century England: "one of the
tools used by the English" to make government "more responsive and responsible"
(page 4 of her report).
She also noted then - clearly in response to those who mistakenly claimed impeachment
presupposes or requires a violation of criminal law - that British history, to
which our Founding Fathers turned for guidance, clearly envisaged impeachment
as a tool to correct "corruption in office" that "alleged damage to the state,"
and was "not necessarily limited to common law or statutory . . . crimes" (page
She quoted James Wilson, who at the Pennsylvania ratification convention described
the executive (that is, the president) as not being above the law, but rather
"in his public character" subject to it "by impeachment" (page 9).
She also - quite correctly - noted then that the constitutional draftsmen chose
the terms describing the circumstances under which a president could be impeached
very carefully and deliberately. You noted that "high crimes and misdemeanors"
did not denote criminal offenses in the sense that prosecutors employ such terms
in modern trials. Rather, in her well-researched memorandum, she correctly noted
that the phrase "high crimes and misdemeanors" was substituted for George Mason's
less precise term in an earlier draft of the Constitution: "maladministration"
(page 12 of her report). Not only that, but her further research led her to quote
Blackstone's "Commentaries on the Laws of England" in support of her conclusion
that "high crimes and misdemeanors" meant not a criminal offense but an injury
to the state or system of government (page 12). I applaud the extent and clarity
of her research.
She even noted that the U.S. Supreme Court, in deciding questions of intent,
must construe phrases such as "high crimes and misdemeanors" not according to
modern usage, but according to what the framers meant when they adopted them (page
12 once again). Magnificent research!
Even Alexander Hamilton finds a place in her research. She quoted from his
Federalist No. 65 that impeachment relates to "misconduct of public men, or, in
other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trust" that is "of a nature
. . . political [emphasis in original]" (page 13 of her report).
Finally, in bringing her research forward from the constitutional drafting
documents themselves, she finds support for her properly broad interpretation
of "high crimes and misdemeanors" in no less a legal scholar than Justice Joseph
Story. I was in awe of her use of Justice Story's "Commentaries on the Constitution"
(1833) supporting her proposition that "impeachment . . . applies to offenses
of 'a political character' . . . [that] must be examined upon very broad and comprehensive
principles of public policy and duty" (pages 16 and 17 of her report). I could
not have said it better.
She even noted that the specific instances in which impeachment has been employed
in our country's history "placed little emphasis on criminal conduct" and were
used to remove public officials who had "seriously undermined public confidence"
through their "course of conduct" (page 21).
When I first raised the notion last month that the House should take but the
first step in determining whether impeachment might lie against President Clinton
for a pattern of abuse of office and improper administration of his duties, little
did I realize her scholarly work 23 years ago would provide clear historical and
legal basis and precedent for my proposition.
Amazingly, the words she used in her report are virtually identical to those
I use today. For example, she said in 1974, much as I did in my March 11, 1997,
letter to Judiciary Chairman Hyde, that "[i]mpeachment is the first step in a
remedial process" (page 24 of her report) to correct "serious offenses" that "subvert"
our government and "undermine the integrity of office" (page 26).
Thanks to her, she gave Congress a road map for beginning our inquiry. - Bob
Barr (R., Ga.)Member of Congress
- Editor: I am extreamly disappointed in Senator Trent Lott and other Republicans
in their decission to cave in and approve this treaty. My concern is who is in
the majority??????? As a Republican and a concerned citizen, this is very disturbing.
I will definetly remember those who supported this when its time to vote again.
- The Kerrs
- Editor: Does all of the mess matter?? Really? Being Black [tongue in cheek]
with a large precentage of Black kids in jail, I wonder does it seem right for
government officials to break laws the swore to protect, do we need to change
the laws the put these Black children in jail. Please do not miss understand is
do the crime then you should do the time. But there must be a fine line drawn
for non politicans to go to jail without collecting the 200 dollars and politicans
making millions, with a get out of jail free card. This the free press [if there
was one] should be screeming about everyday in the same manner the press makes
the people feel sorry for the little people around world starving. To think we
poured all that money into Zhaira and it went to the pockets of government and
not to the people. - John H. Shackelford Jr., San Antonio
- Editor: Take a moment of your time and consider this. Russia had Pravda which
was the arm of the Government and they said nothing bad about the government.
Consider our press are they free? Consider this, with the ratification of the
Chemical Weapons treaty this will change our constitution. If the press was free
then from Maine to Calif, from Fla to Alaska to Hawaii the press should have been
screeming this information. With the signing of Uruagay round with what ever it
dealt with someone stuck INCOME tax into it for the us government and the press
sat by while it rolled on down the hill. A free press would have been attacking
this government for the thing it does against the People, however a government
press such has the one we have like Pravda sits on it hand and say everything
is all right. A free press should pointing out this government like all government
is very abusive and a thing to fear.
Who wrote this? "You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help the wage-earner
by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by encouraging
class hatred. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot keep
out of trouble by spending more than you earn. You cannot build character and
courage by taking away a person's initiative and independence. You cannot help
people permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves."
-Thomas, thomasj@gate.net
- Editor: The Republicans had nothing to gain by not backing the Treaty. It
will have no effect in protecting the US, but the public's perception, I think,
is that it will. Now the Treaty that was backed by Regan and Bush is a conquest
over the Republicans. We should pick our stands carefully. - K Nelson
- Editor: about Howard Hobbs - You've really got a handle on the current situation.
Your article "Clinton Foreign Policy A Muddled Moral Morass" really nails down
the problems we face today in the international arena. Complicity of the media
in the propaganda effort is of course one of the main reasons we have the Clintons
to lead us down the road you describe. When you say, "With Communist China threatening
the West Coast of the United States with nuclear attack only weeks ago..." are
you referring to the statement by the Red Chinese official who said that the US
should value Los Angeles more than Taiwan? Or has there been another threat? Keep
up the good work! - Dave Knotts, Mo.
- Editor: I am trying to write a paper for my economics class supporting Paula
Jones's right to continue her case against ole Bill, and am desperately looking
for Constitutional proof against Presidential Immunity....If you have any suggestions,
I would love to hear them - God Bless and Thank You, Lauren Morgan puddin5@ix.netcom.com
- Editor: I am glad to see that efforts are being made to stop the establishment
of a beach head in Southern California by the Communist Chinese Government. Our
policy is not to deal with a small island dictator like Castro because of personality
issues rather than compete with other nations in Cuba while on the other hand
we alllow the butchering, RACIST, and separatist Communist Chinese to compete
against US shippng firms. Long Beach was given the Long Beach shipping yard for
free by the Navy to do with it what they pleased. The Chinese do not have as many
layers to penetrate with influence buying now. The Long Beach City Council must
be investigated! - PMJOEN
- Editor: About downsizing, how big of a bonus did management get at the price
of the union worker? -Brenda C Simpson, Evansville Online
- Editor: I'll be brief. Why are you reporting on point shaving at Fresno State?
Most of your readers see you as the eyes and ears of truthful report inside the
Beltway. Let ESPN cover these type of stories, stick to what your good at! - Roy
Zeigler, Kingsland, Ga.
- Editor: Yes, I agree that it is time to repeal the 16th amendment to the constitution
of the US of A, and have national sales tax instead. We need to reduce government
anyway, and with a national sales tax, this would be fair for everyone. The IRS
is too controlling,unfair, and practices illegal gain upon the people. - Alan
- Editor: With the scandals involving governmental agencies, i.r.s., i.n.s.,
treasury dept., justice dept. , f.b.i., department of interior, white house, campaign
abuses, e.p.a., f.d.a., military, navy, judiciary, power abuse in congress, ad
nausium, would some-one show cause as to why this government should not cease
to exist? - Herb North
- Editor: Why can we not define a lifetime appointment in terms of years? If
an appointment were limited to a 10 year lifetime, the appointee would be required
to return to and live in the society in which his/her decisions effected. The
current lifetime policy removes federal judge appointees from the very society
in which they have absolute control over. The current system causes federal judges
to seek political asylum outside of society; i.e., they do not have to face and
depend upon the very people they rule through their decisions. - Charles McDaniel,
- Editor: On the Mannerud story, the Clinton Administration has stooped to new
lows by accepting contributions from drug felons. The story is shocking and I
am ashamed of our President for possessing no standards whatsoever to get re-elected.
I am glad I never voted for him and believe impeachment proceedings would be appropriate
under these circumstances. - John McIlwain
- Editor: I came across your Daily Republican site whilst browsing around, and
just thought you might be interested in linking to our site. I work for Bookpages,
the Best UK Internet bookstore which has all 900,000 British
Books in Print - Marcus Webb
- Editor: Thank God for your fine publication which reports facts; not the usual
crap normally found in the Washington Post, NY Times, etc. However,even they are
beginning to see that their hero, Bubba Clinton is, among many things ... I could
go on for hours about my rage - that a punk, small town crook like Clinton, has
sullied, disgraced and degraded the office of the President like no other man
in our history. Please Lord, let Mr. Starr or Senator Thompson or Congressman
Burton - anybody, find that key(John Dean type)that will turn the floodgates loose
and put Clinton and his woman Hillary - and the rest of their corrupt cronies
- behind bars where they belong. - Gene Cermak
- Editor:Now is the time for Newt and all good men to come to the aid of the
country and get that communist ... out of the White House! -David L. Zimmer Fairmount,
- Editor: A couple of months ago I basically quit reading the DR because it
seemed behind in coverage and did not change much from day to day. Now it seems
that the paper is more current and a source of information concerning the fund
raising scandel that other papers either don't have or don't report. I am back
to reading the DR every day. Please pass on my appreciation to whomever is responsible
for the apparent changes. - Rev. Timothy A. Carter
- Editor: About Clinton administration story, they bankrupt their party the
same way they try to bankrupt the U. S. - Charles Walter
- Editor: You do a great job! Keep up the good work! There is only one thing
you do which annoys me! It is the exclamation points which find their way to the
end of your headlines. The facts which you present tell a powerful enough story.
The "!s" are a distraction and shouldn't be in the headlines. Please do not think
I am dissatisfied with your efforts - you do a really good job. It is just that
one little thing. Well, maybe there is another...the last couple of days, the
main body of the story was centered instead of flush left. Probably just a button-pushing
error. - David Knotts
- Editor: As Rush said "...What if CNN would have a program and no Replican
showed up?" Republicans tell the truth. That is so easy to distort with just slight
comments. You cannot out BS the democrats! I work with a whole bunch of them and,
the one thing I have learned is IF YOU ARE A republican, every serious statememt
ends up in a "Ha Ha Ha Geraldine is really ok folks" atmosphere. Just don't go
there! Go to work! Have faith. Do what's right (when nobody's lookin) - David
L. Zimmer
- Editor: Actually, I would feel better if Richard Jewell was conducting the
investigation. But then, he probably doesn't have all the sofisticated audio/video
equipment and laboratory resources of the FBI. At least not yet. - James F. Ripka
- Editor: Only in America can Lil'Abner and Gomer Pyle rise to the highest nation
in the land by selling rooms at the Motel White House and taking bribes from the
communists. - Jack Rosenthal
- Editor: How much longer does this administration get away with what at times
seem treasonous going on? Something has to be done. It's gone on too long and
he sloughs it off by saying "These things were clearly inappropriate", and everyone
seems to accept it! It's maddening! - Nancy R. Mills
- Editor: Perhaps now is the time to evaluate the Clinton parkland deal in Utah
that has stopped US mining of purer coal in favor of these same groups. - Morgan
- Editor: I think that Bill Clinton is the worst president in the history of
The United States of America. Never has a president lied so much as he has. He
lies on top of his lies. I am ashamed to have him represent our great country.
I truly think that I can not trust a word that he says. Sorry Bill, but you will
go down in history as the most underhanded, crafty, and untrustworthy president
ever!- Matt Altuna
- Editor: It sounds like Long Beach doesn't care that the communists are ready
to widen the gaping hole in our nation's defenses. That shipyard is the perfect
funnel for the communist Chinese to pour in all our high technology for illegal
export, and supply criminals, gangs and sympathizers with munitions for war on
our streets. I hope to hell Congress denies the chinese contract with Long Beach
and boots them out for the smuggling they've already committed. Clinton should
reopen that Naval base! - Tom
- Editor: What is so sick about all the money the Guam Gov't has given the Democrats
in Wash. will not do didley for the schools that are in terrible shape, as are
many other things that the Chamorro natives have to swallow. No person in their
right mind can stand the high rent, high groceries and utilities to stay any length
of time on this PIMPLE in the Pacific. Therefore, the rich are of course getting
richer and poor, poorer and having more children. Does no one alive have anything
on their minds, except greed, corrupt gov't and everything that invites more corruption??
I ask you, in God's name, how can you sleep at night? - Kai on the Mainland
- Editor: I am incensed that this man is blaming the Republicans for his decision
not to pursue his appointment. It is clear that he is not up to facing the clearly
illegal operations in the White House. Even if he was not implicated in these
operations, he should not be approved by the Senate because he simply is not available
when he receives important phone calls from the Attorney General. - Valerie L.
- Editor: If any president deserves to be impeached, it is Bill Clinton. Clinton
has sold his soul, and only God knows what else, to become president of the United
States. The man has no conscience. Impeach him. - John R. Johns
- Editor: I believe it is high time the impeachment of this scoundrel, President
(sic) Bill Clinton be seriously considered. After reading your Friday article
suggesting an inquiry into possible impeachment has begun, I am amazed. I listed
to radio news, on more than one network today, perhaps six times. I watched the
5:00 PM and 6:00 PM news on television, a local cast and a national network newscast,
and nothing was said about this story. How can that be? I don't care how partisan
most broadcast media tends to be, surely they would not ignore such a story!Is
there some mistake here? - Jesse Gilbert
- Editor: Way to go Bob! We've been waiting! - Robert L. Zimmer
- Editor: It's about time! - Joe Davis
- Editor: I have been appalled to read that the disclosures of illegal activity
going on at the White House has not shaken the confidence of the American people.
Then I read all the way through an article reporting the results of a poll that
showed the constant high approval rating of Clinton and I discovered (and the
pollsters admistted in the article) that the people who are the most forgiving
of his fund raising, etc. are people who refer to the fifth grade as their "senior
year". This makes sense to me, but now I want thinking people to speak out loudly
and let the media know that "enough is enough." We are outraged, Mr. Brokaw, Mr.
Rather and Mr. Jennings! - Valerie L. Waller, Houston, TX
- Editor: Maybe White House National Security staffers didn't alert President
Clinton about Communist Chinese efforts to influence the 1996 American elections
because they believed he couldn't be trusted... Having coffee with a Chinese arms
dealer who represented one of their munitions factories, when the whole point
of these coffees was to raise money, and then asserting that he had no idea China
was trying to affect the electoral outcome is pure Clinton 'newspeak'. How many
more lies must we hear before the article of impeachment is drafted? - Nick Nagle
- Editor: I'm an archivist at the Ronald Reagan Library. We constantly get
comments on the Ronald Reagan Library Bookstore site link that really should go
to you (most of them are quite positive, and with good reason)! Also, the library
has a general e-mail reference mail box that is an appropriate way to contact
the library staff. It is: library@reagan.nara.gov. - Jenny Sternaman, Ronald Reagan
Library, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
- Editor: I find it incredibly arrogant to use "America's House" as a fund
raising hostel and then lie and joke about it as if we are all stupid simpletons.
This man is using the symbol of the Executive branch in an incredibly cheap and
slovenly manner.My only hope is that the heretofore quiescent voices of my Republican
leaders will finally be heard - Where are you and where is YOUR outrage? - K.Straus
- Editor: About the Age of Aquarius story - Isn't it enough that we have to
suffer through this "new age" stuff in our every day lives? But now I have to
see this junk in a supposedly conservative in-line paper? I cannot see how this
sort of reporting has a positive influance on conservative issues, in fact I think
this sort of article only further associates the conservatives with the liberals.
- A.J. Murray
- Editor: It is about time someone connected Hillary and her travels with all
the illicit fund raising. I've been screaming about that for a long time. Now
follow all her trips to the Balkans and India and etc. she took her daughter to
last year. You don't use taxpayer money to show your daughter the world or vice
versa. She is one slick Broad. - B.J. Brown, Alaska
- Editor: I've been to Guam on an oil spill clean up. Its time to lose this
little island. That was of MY tax money. We need to make Guam get off the pot.
Make them vote on statehood or independance. No more free lunch for them. Become
part of the U.S. or get. - Ken Lowder
- Editor: About Harold Ickes' memory lapse - We need to have Brain Scan equipment
installed in the White House for all these jokers who "cannot remember". Perhaps
most of them need to be hospitalized. I wonder how they find their way to work
in the mornings. - Valerie Waller, Houston, Texas
- Editor: It Seems to me, as in 1933, the America public, are as unaware as
they were then. We need to understand, those who make it in this country, make
it on their own. - RK Camp
- Editor: About Newt. Print the 11 points in the major newspapers. Then let
us get started. - Douglas Holbert
- Editor: I think the Republicans caved to the Democrats. That shows they have
no principles. What a shame Newt is the best thing that Republicans have. - Billie
Lee Hale
- Editor: As a citizen who has watched James McDermott for a long time it would
be nice to see this charlatan exposed. When he retired from the State Legislature
in 1987, at the last hour he managed to obtain a specific, personal, fat retirement
bonus tacked onto an obscure state bill. It was all done so quickly and secretly,
it took even Seattle's liberal newspapers by surprise.
His ethics have always been suspect. Then he accepted a job with the Foreign
Service, as the heat of this sweetheart deal was getting to him. But before long,
as in a month or so, he abruptly resigned in order to run for a vacancy in a heavily-Democratic
Congressional district in Seattle, one he helped gerrymander to benefit the party.
Yes, James McDermott, slated to be the chairman of the House Ethics Committee
until the Republicans gained the majority.
Finally his inclinations have landed him in the hot water he should have been
boiled in long ago. - Name Witheld
- Editor - the clintons will do and say anything to accumulate power, whether
it is to embrace socialist idealogues or gangsters. - ducks
- Editor - We were held hostage in Yosemite West, an area of homes and lodging
on private land accessible only by Highway 41 through Yosemite National Park.
Highway 41 had some minor slumping in one area, common after storms. This road,
which I, as a Yosemite resident have driven for 17 years, had a curfew. It was
``safe'' to drive during the day, but ``unsafe'' at night. If you missed the curfew,
you would not be allowed to get home. The hours of curfew varied and were not
always announced to our small community. It certainly made driving to work, medical
appointments and running errands a truly fun experience. The curfew was a major
inconvenience to residents (forget night meetings or dinner out) and obviously
illegal, but few people were going to argue with an armed ranger. When a government
keeps you confined under armed guard for no reason except convenience to their
operation, you are a hostage!
Newspaper articles and television announcements on the closure of Yosemite
make it seem that Yosemite Valley and Yosemite National Park are the same. The
park is larger than the state of Rhode Island; the valley is seven square-miles.
The arbitrary decision by the Park Service to close all of the park while it repairs
less than 1 percent was made for the convenience of management rather than in
the public interest.
If the southern part of Yosemite National Park were open, you could ski to
Glacier Point or Dewey Point and look down on Yosemite Valley. You could ski or
snowboard at Badger Pass. You could view the sunsets from Yosemite West, enjoy
the unique beauty of Wawona, see the redwoods of Mariposa Grove under a mantle
of snow. You could do so much! But for bureaucratic convenience, you are locked
out of your property, your national park, and I was essentially locked in. Isn't
it nice to be so protected?
- The role of the newspapers has gone through drastic changes. A few years ago,
news came from four sources: NBC,ABC, CBS, and the local print newspaper. People
where entirely dependent on these four sources for late breaking news. If individuals
wanted to read a differing view on a particular topic like you find in the Daily
Republican news service one was able to buy or subscribe to a magazine that would
be printed one week or a month after the event.
Today newspapers are found on the internet. And people throughout the world
are talking to one another and expressing ideas through the use of the world wide
web. This has changed the way people become informed. People are no longer persuaded
by the giants of the mass media. Now people are informed through great news sources
like the Daily Republican news where millions of people are connected 23-hours
every day.
Before the development of the world wide web people where so reliant on the
media giants that individuals were subjected to mass persuasion. By packaging
large complicated concepts into small sound bytes the large media networks and
the local news paper had a great deal of strength in persuading the American public
in what to believe.
In those days, people did not have the full concept of what exactly was happening.
When an American president wanted to persuade the American public to support or
reject his policies or legislation he merely flooded the networks and local papers
with small bits of information favorable to his agenda.
This was done in 1936 when President Franklin D. Roosevelt bombarded the news
media with pro-administration information on give-away ponzi schemes like Social
Security. After the administration sent seven million copies of 4,800 press releases
concerning the New Deal, the American public was eventually misled by Roosevelt.
Today, we have to pay for that folly.
Now, the American public is not so easily persuaded by the the political use
of corporate news media. The public has begun to wake-up and obtain the correct
information through world wide web information sources like he Daily Republican
news. Information concerning various topics and differing opinions is instantly
communicated from one home computer to millions of others. No longer are we a
nation of sheep. We are now a nation of informed citizens.
- The author, Laurie Kobliska, of the Daily Republican story 'This Dolly Is
Dangerous' (Jan. 1) couldn't have said it better.
I first bumped into dangerous things that can hurt children about 25 years
ago. This happens when I got involved with he foster care/adoption system. I tried
to adopted three local children. But, the system found my husband and me ineligible
for local adoption. Why? Because I had already given birth to two children.
I'll forever think about the hundreds of thousands of children trapped in a
system that does not, despite all protestations, have the child's best interest
as its priority.
Dangerous toys are bad enough. But the US foster care system inflicts even
more injury on kids. It is a bureacuracy that specializes in turf-protecting.
It spens tax money on administration and not on children.
I cannot tell you how often I've come up against people in power whose peculiar
policies keep children from having permanent, loving families.
A child cannot be adopted by someone in an adjacent county, because the county
that has custody of him wants to keep him available to its own residents. When
he finally makes it into the state system, it's probably at least six to 12 months
since he came into care.
Then, in at least some states, his case must be kept there for another 12 to
18 months or so before a family in another state can be considered for adoption.
And in another country? Forget it; that just doesn't happen at all!
The "recipe for reform" may sound simple, but it isn't. Families at the grass-roots
level are not ignorant that there are children in foster care who should be adopted.
They try and try and try. And then they give up - either not adopting at all or,
if they are financially able to do so, going abroad to fulfill their adoption
desires. Lya Sorano. Atlanta, GA
- I am very angry with all that is going on with the Speaker. He has led us
under very difficult circumstances to excellant results in the "Contract with
He ability shown here has scared the Democrats nearly out of their wits. Thus
he is the target of every living liberal whether in the Dem' party or the press.
We must stand behind him or loose a potentially great Republican leader just
when we need one the most!
So help me. If the Republican Congress does not re-elect him to the Speaker
position, I am going to leave my party of over 60 years and vote Libertarian in
the next election. Al Bieser.
- If Clinton wants to be remembered as FDR2 he's got to do a lot better than
school uniforms and v-chips. He's got to get down and deep into foreign policy,
entitlements, education and the truly deplorable state of race relations. And
that's just for openers. He's got to present himself as a president of principle
and not of expediency; and first and foremost he's got to throw back that bulging
rug now covering questionable donations, and all the "gates" and preempt all those
Congressional investigations by coming clean.
- The Macau gambling tycoon Stanley Ho, says he has a photo of himself at the
White House with President Clinton. And so does Wang Jun the head of China's state-run
machine gun makers, the International Trust & Investment Corp., whose U.S. representative
was one of seven persons arrested in San Francisco last May for allegedly smuggling
assault rifles into the Los Angeles.
- About 16 % of the population is now under Medicare, but by the year 2030 more
than 20 % will be Medicare beneficiaries. Because of expensive new pharmaceuticals
and medical technology, Medicare's costs will grow faster than national income,
jumping from 2.6 percent of gross domestic product in 1995 to a projected 7.5
percent of GDP in 2030. That is why 1997 will be the year of facing up to Medicare.
- The CPI is crucial because income tax brackets and annual cost-of-living adjustments
to Social Security benefits are pegged to it. If the CPI were ratcheted downward
by 1.1 percentage points a year, the deficit would be cut by tens of billions
of dollars a year and the compounded savings could ultimately solve the deficit
The changes in the tax code likely to be enacted are a cut in the capital gains
tax rate, expansion of individual retirement accounts and a $500-per-child tax
credit. Oh Boy!
- In 1997 Republicans will fight hard to prevent new mandates being imposed
on their business friends. Expect Democrats to put on soap-opera assembly of 'suffering'
victims, in a try to shame the GOP into agreeing to the new mandates.
- When even liberal Democrats preach the gospel of balancing the federal budget,
it seems unlikely that anyone in Congress will propose expensive new federal programs
to attack poverty or redistribute wealth.
- Is it not sad that America is leaning strongly towards putting a pair of felons
back in the White House instead of sending them to prison where they truly deserve
to be? We are indeed quickly embracing the status of a third-world country.
- I just wanted to confirm that I also feel that our income is not going as
far as we would like. Since Clinton has been in office our income has risen by
apprimately by $10,000 and we still feel like we live from paycheck to paycheck.
We are $12,000 in debt for our first childs college tution and she is only a sophmore
in college. By the end of the year we will be another $4,000 in debt for tuition.
Clintons policys only take more from our paychecks. We don't qualify for any help
from the government yet they take our money and give it to someone else to send
them to college. We earn our money, let us keep it. Thanks for listening.
- I am a lecturer of Business Education at St Andrew's College of Education
in Bearsden, Glasgow, Scotland. I would like to know what materials are available
for S1-2 Economics - particularly videos, and software for the Apple Mac - Claris
Works or Microsoft Works. I would appreciate any help you could give me on this
- including suppliers and prices if possible.
- By all means, feel free to add a link to the Nobel Prize Internet Archive
from your publication. Regarding William Vickrey...Is Mr. Vickrey a prominent
republican? His Nobel Prize-winning work does not appear to be particularly ideological,
but has he perhaps done anything conservative/republican since?
- I am currently organising a trip for my group of GNVQ Intermediate group in
Business and Finance. I'm hoping to use the trip to tie in with the BTEC optional
element of Living and Working in Europe. Does anyone have any contacts with businesses
in either of the two cities who would be willing to receive around 19 students
for either a day or half day so that they could examine working conditions etc.
We are making the trip at the beginning of December.
- How is it possible for Clinton to unravel parts of welfare reform bill that
he has already signed into law? I was sure from the begining that once he was
relected that Clinton would try to give waviers to any state that asked for it
and in effect nullifying the positve effects of the welfare reform bill.The question
is how much damage can he do to this bill in his second term?
- The International Labour Markets Research Network (ILM) in association with
the School of Public Administration and Law, the Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen
announces its second international conference, to be held on 16-17 June 1997 in
Aberdeen/Scotland. The focus of this 2-day event will be on school-to-work transitions,
both from a theoretical and empirical perspective. The conference will help stimulate
thinking around the complexity of youth labour markets and bring together academics,
practitioners and policy-makers. ILM welcomes papers from a wide range of social
science disciplines. Keynote speakers will include the leading American economist
David Banchflower who will report on a major NBER study on 'hard-to-employ' youth
across countries. The conference fee is stlg110.00 (stlg95 for research students
and ILM members only), including the conference proceedings, light refreshments
and dinner (Monday only). Early registration is recommended as places are limited.
Expressions of interest in participating at the conference should be sent to:
The International Labour Markets Research Network (ILM)
ILM Conference 1997
The Robert Gordon University
School of Public Administration and Law
352 King Street
Aberdeen AB9 2TQ
United Kingdom
- Conspiracy to rig the electorate by indiscrimanate naturalization of unqualified,
even felon, immigrants. Each of these new "citizens" has a vote equal to yours,
and while you may weigh the issues and make choices based on the best interests
of this country, most of these new voters are motivated by one factor: how do
I protect and defend immigrant access to federal handouts. This is where the character
issue hits the road. A president with character would not sell citizenship for
- Nice that you "supported" Vickrey, but I feel sure that you did not "support
the development" of his innovative thinking. I'll bet twenty dollars to a doughnut
that he developed whatever he developed with no help at all from "we." You may
have talked to (that criminal slime) Richard Nixon about economics and known that
he had Vickrey's work in mind, but that doesn't connect you to Vickrey either.
(I wouldn't have demeaned myself by entering the same stadium as Richard Nixon,
let alone talking to him.) Fortunately, merely talking to someone doesn't establish
a connection to him, luckily for you. I'd say that it is intuitively obvious that
Vickrey was correct. When decision-makers have different information they come
to different conclusions. They tend to prefer their conclusions to someone else's
conclusions, not having seen the information upon which the other conclusions
were based. Then they defend their choices against any and all comers. Relative
value preferences DO arise. Subconsciously (or consciously)everyone who is not
entirely powerless tries to systematically exploit all consequences over which
he has even a smidgen of control, or even just a modicum of influence. Motives
may be labeled as altruistic or selfish. It matters not. We all do it. And we
do it more as we grow older. I have never previously thought much about the above
matter and I do not know whether your explanation of Vickrey's point was so clearly
stated that there is no chance that I misunderstood it. But assuming I got the
point right, you have my view on the matter. I do not claim to have addressed
the question from an economics viewpoint. My formal economics training is zilch.
My background is math teaching, psychology, accounting, programming, typography
and, less formally, history, philosophy, and stock market economics. (I held several
licenses to sell securities and was an active trader.) Perhaps all that is irrelevant,
as was my answer. Making observations is not enough. Nor is a well-reasoned conclusion.
Aristotle wouldn't qualify for a Nobel these days. One has to do the underlying
mathematics. (Maybe Euclid and Pythagoras would qualify.) It doesn't amount to
a hill of beans that you personally (or your Daily Republican) supported Vickrey.
His work stands on its own. Achievement speaks for itself and is neither magnified
nor diminished by press agents or naysayers. The Nobel committee seems to have
known what it was looking for and found it in Vickrey, I'm sure, without knowing
your opinion or that of the Daily Republican.
- Thanks for printing the photos for us. I couldn't believe it when Justice
dept. said they wouldn't release the photos. Who does the Justice dept. work for
if not the American public? Clinton and his cronies?
- The Daily Republican is an excellent piece of work! Thank you!
- I ordered and have received, coverage of the event in New Jersey where the
woman heckled Clinton and was thrown out. I have a clip of Clinton saying to the
organizer of the Torricelli Brunch that "This is a private event. She is NOT allowed
to be here". Well the fact is, that woman paid the same amount as everyone else
to be there - $1000 - so she did in fact have a "right" to be there. Perhaps it
isn't polite to heckle, but it is not against the law. IF Clinton wins on Tuesday,
I will put the video coverage of this event on my Web page and launch a personal
smear campaign of this jerk... The woman in Teaneck who heckled Clinton is Gloria
Riva or something like that, from the Worker's World Party. She is the VP Candidate.
I don't support her party, but I do support her right to "heckle" and say her
- I seems to me that we are on the verge of being taken over by the "Evil Empire".
I would so name it for the following reasons: 1. It was formulated in the early
20th Century by Marx and Engles. A part of their writings was a book called the
"A,B,C's of Communism." A translation of this book was used by Lennin to lead
and inspire his followers. This books essence was "From each according to his
ability, to each according to his need." The fact that leads to economic distruction
was proven in this decade. Never-the-less Clinton paraphrased in in the last debate
as a discription of where he would lead us: "Let us all give each other the tools
we need and help each other accross the bridge to the next centry....etc." 2.
The "New Deal", the "Fair Deal", etc. had one thing in mind -- to make as many
people as possible dependent upon the Federal Government so that their votes could
be counted upon to maintain the "Dealer's" and their followers in power. The ultimate
of this is when everyone "works" for the Federal Government. At that point Marx's
dream will be realized. Under a closer look, this is a form of slavery that encompases
all but those who would then be in control. 3. A most important corrolary of the
"Deals" is that the concept of people helping people as individuals must be subverted
to the Federal Authority. The ideals of helping your neighbor when you can, giving
him (or her) comfort when they need it, and trusting to God have been subverted
to "Let the government do all that -- we'll pay for it in higher taxes." The result
is a tax burden so high that we are staggering under the load and the poor are
less well off than they were before. This includes the distruction of the family.
This was achieved by two actions: (1) The tax rate is so high that neither of
the parents can afford to stay home to rear the children and the "death" taxes
make giving your business to your children is a practical impossibility -- i.e.
The children no longer work to help with a "family business". Why should they
-- it won't be theirs anyway! 4. The final step is to tax at such a rate that
there is no longer any money to create new, non government, jobs. It takes an
average of $125,000 to create a job....even one as a dish washer in a McDonald's.
With the taxes so high it takes both middle class parents working just to survive,
how can they (the only real source of such funding) invest in venture capital.
The result: the reduced economy you talked about in this article and ultimately,
everyone working for the Federal Government. We shall then truly march over the
bridge to the next Century together under the banner of "From each according to
his ability, To each according to his need."
- I appreciate how honestly your report the events that go on in the White House.
I appreciate the work that you do. I love the website, I just found it. Keep up
the excellent work!
- I'd like to notify you that you have been awarded the 'CONSERVATIVE SITE AWARD'
on 'All American'. We are a conservative site celebrating the American Heritage,
our Christian Heritage, and the information superhighway.
- You're right in your assessment re: the electorate's pathetic rejection of
the truth. What does this portent for us as a people? When truth & character are
no longer standards to which we hold our leaders. What an awful disgrace is both
this administration & our inability to discern right from wrong.
- I think you got it partially right. But I think a major factor in Clinton's
re-election is that liberals have poisoned our civic and political culture to
such an extent that voters believe that their vote is ineffectual and that their
opinions are incosequential. I think a secondary factor is the corruption of our
so-called education system: people are no longer taught the intellectual skills
and knowledge of American history they need to make intelligent political choices
or even understand that a successful republic consisting of democratically elected
representatives depends upon an educated and invloved public.
- Hillary, kindly stay home and learn to bake cookies!
- Very sad. Truly it was the time for all good men and women to come to the
aid of the party.
- As I keep telling you, the Emperor of the Evil Empire will be around a long
time. Will it be possible that the unlimited number of terms for the president
will return? Or will Bill and Hillary just trade off every eight years?
- The Hate Hillary campaign continues. Why don't you guys grow up!
- Wonderful Headline: Clinton re: the "supremes" !
- Mr. starr, I realize you will, in all probability, never read this. however,
your efforts thus far have been truely gratifying to me and many other attorneys.
I can only hope that you will continue with your pursuit of justice- something
that the clintons have obsrtucted for far too many years. It is all too often
that the ultimate outcome of a criminal investigation is either altered or totally
thwarted by the know-it-all media who,even now, continue with their attempts to
sway the public into believing that whitewater is either too complicated or simply
a witchhunt against their favorite son-william clinton. please keep up the good
work . your persistence is going to demonstrate to the american people that the
web of lies and cheating spun by the clintons is about to be untangled.
- As with the multitude of scandals surrounding this president and administration,
it boggles the mind that the main stream media refuses to inform the American
people. It smacks of "Provda" (spelling?)during the height of Soviet power. The
Clinton's are counting on the majority of people thinking "this can't happen in
America" to pull this off. Sadly, I sincerely feel that I am living through the
"beginning of the end" of our United States. Clinton is a globalist and the Buildaburgers
are real. The 50% of American citizens that do not vote (and that number will
continue to decline) will throw a mandate to a corrupt Government that people
want to be lead like sheep. Of course I am sure that kind of thinking is "extremeist";
the word that all liberals use against conservatives like a whip when we dare
to debate them. God help us.
- First I want to say thanks for the article, I think we have the greatest country
in the world, and it "Founding principles" of the Bill of rights, declaration,
and our constitution were divinely inspiried. Unfortunately we are not teaching
this in our homes, churches and schools, so this nation has forgotten, the divine
intervention in raising up both the founding fathers, inspiried documents, and
a nation!
- Please get me in contact with the writer of this article. I, Larry Lucketta,
a columnist for several conservative newspapers and Press Sec. for the CRA of
Tulare County, would appreciate it greatly.
- Bill, Madeleine Albright was quoted as saying to Warren Christopher, "I can
only hope that my heels can fill your shoes." Madeleine Albright and Warren Christopher
are members of the Council on Foreign relations. Tell Madeleine to rest easy --
Council on Foreign Relations members are the biggest heels to have ever crawled
the face of the earth -- heel Albright will have no problem filling heel Warren
Christopher's shoes. Aren't Anthony Lake, Sandy Berger, and William Cohen also
members of the Council on Foreign Relations? How about Dick Moose, Alexander Fletcher
Watson, Frank Wisner, John Deutch, Lynn Etheridge Davis, Donna Shalala, Alan Greenspan,
and Laura Dandra Tyson? Aren't they CFR members too? Bill, aren't you a CFR member?
Isn't Colin Powell a CFR member? Weren't Aspin and Woolsey CFR members? Bill,
how many past CIA directors, heads of the State Department, and members of the
Federal Reserve have been CFR members? Bill do you notice a pattern? Bill, do
you know anyone in the Royal Institute of International Affairs? The Canadian
Institute of International Affairs or any of the other Round Table Groups? I understand
the Council on Foreign Relations is a branch organization of the Round Table.
Didn't your Georgetown University Professor Carroll Quigley accuse the Round Table
groups of a conspiracy to form one World order under Round Table control in his
books -The Anglo-American Establishment and Tragedy and Hope? Bill, could the
reason America has been running $300 billion dollar peacetime defense budgets
be because Council on Foreign Relations munitions, medicine, food, and media industries
profit from an economy of unrest? An economy of war? Doesn't running up trillions
of dollars of debt make a country economically vulnerable? Is there a plan to
bankrupt America so it will be forced into becoming a member of one world order?
Bill, how much money is made by Council on Foreign Relations members Morgan, Malik,
Carlucci, Baker, Darmen, and Jordan's Carlyle Group? Who do they buy weapons from?
Who do they sell weapons to? Do they sell weapons to countries that American troops
are sent to on peacekeeping missions? Are our own troops being targeted and killed
with American made weapons? Why were square miles of American made wepons, that
were confiscated from the enemy during Desert Storm, destroyed rather than being
returned to America? Was it to make it harder to find out who sold those weapons
to Saddam? Was it to make it easier for the same people to sell Saddam even more
weapons to use in another war that was planned way in advance? Were those people
connected to Round Table Groups in America or other nations? Bill who are the
members of the "Special Group"? Who are the members of the "Secret Team"? What's
a PSYOP? What's a Limited Hangout? Bill, Council on Foreign Relations members
shouldn't be confirmed by Congress they should be investigated by Congress. Bill,
how many Council on Foreign Relations members are in Congress? Bill, how many
Congressmen are controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations? Bill, when you
delivered your acceptance speech at the Democratic convention on July 16, 1992,
you were quoted as saying ".... It is time to heal America." Bill should that
quote have read - "it is time to heel America?" Is the placing of Council on Foreign
Relations members in key cabinate positions your way of "heeling" America?
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