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March 12, 2002
Optimal Online Banner Advertising
For The Small Business
Mark Burson, Staff Writer

   FRESNO --   Web Portal Design Corp. recently introduced its updated online banner advertising program. Client reports are very positive. Web Portal writes most of its own software for the online banner ad program, which provides flexibility to meet specific advertising needs throughout the site.
     The layout of each web pages places most advertisments at the optimal place within the client's view. This is based on statistics and surveys which we have found at various places on the web such as Specifically, the ad shows up 1/3 of the way down a standard 640x480 page. As the user clicks on the ad, graphical browsers will open a new window, allowing the user to view the target of the ad while maintaining their place on our site.
     All advertisers are given a user ID and password for online access to their statistics and advertising information. By using a simple web interface, images, text, and and other aspects of your banner may be changed. You can also query the statistics for your ad(s) and compare those to the entire web site. At the end of each month, you will receive an email from our server providing you with daily, weekly, and monthly statistics.
    Web Portal Desogn Corp. is committed to the Linux community and thus makes a portion of advertising space available to Linux events, projects, and other non-profit endeavours. If your group is involved in similar activites and would like to place an ad on the site, please contact us for further information.
    Most ads on the site are displayed on a rotation. Each ad has equal chance of appearing on any given page, and are shown in a rotating order across the entire site.
     Limits the banner to rotating on specific pages on the web site. Information on the content of various pages will be made available to anyone requesting it. From this list, a unique zone can be created for each banner. The home page can be included or not included as desired. Targetted ads must include two or more pages.
     When a page has targetted ads, two rotations will be created. The first will evenly space out targetted ads with a single "general" ad. This will be the primary rotation for the page. When the general ad comes up, an advertisement from the standard rotation will be shown. With one ad targetting a page, the ad will be shown on every second page view. With more, the ratio falls appropriately.
   Special arrangement may be made to displace standard rotation if there is only one targetted ad. This then becomes Page Sponsorship, as outlined below. If there are more than one targetted ads for a given page, sponsorship will take a different form.
     On June 1st, we presented our new site look. The redesigned site allows an additional advertising opportunity. This 100x100 ad will be placed below our menu bar at the left of every page.
    An advertiser can desginate a specific page, the home page, or the entire site. Sponsoring a page gives the advertiser prominent placement on the page with an attribution. These are available on a request basis.
     Sponsorships are limited to one month in length on most pages. The home page is limited to two weeks. Site sponsorship can be designated for longer periods of time as desired, when available. If you are interested in these choices, please contact us for further information.
The rotating advertisements are 460 pixels wide by 60 pixels high. Smaller sizes can be used at the discretion of the graphic designers. Large file sizes are frowned upon by users, and tend to consume local bandwidth. For that reason, designers are strongly encouraged to keep files under 14-15k. The use of animated GIF files does not incur extra costs.
     Similar requirements are placed on menu rotation ad space, although its size is strictly limited to 100 pixels wide. Given the smaller dimensions, file sizes should also be smaller.

Letter to Editor

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